The Dissertation Workshop

Dealing with Discouragement and Writer's Block
Getting Organized
Getting the Support
You Need
Workshops and Consultations


Other Support

You need support of all sorts to do a dissertation. Most important you need internal support. You need to speak to yourself in a respectful and generative way. Many people speak to themselves in ways that they wouldn't dream of speaking to others. Start to develop a kinder, more respectful internal voice. Imagine the kind of boss who brings out the best work in you. It is with that tone you should be speaking to yourself.

It rarely, perhaps never, helps to be nagged. Spouses and significant others are often distressed by seeing their spouse use up all the their time together with the dissertation. You need to have frank discussions. Listen to your significant other. Ask how your preoccupation with your dissertation is affecting him or her. After being told, ask if there is more he would like to say. Paraphrase what your spouse's main concerns are. Only give your perspective after having carefully listened. Let your spouse know what would be truly helpful to your getting the project done and set up a time to revisit the topic.

Advice from a Dissertation Advisor






The Dissertation Workshop
Fred Stern, Ph.D. and Lois Feldman, Ph.D
Phone: 212-874-4530


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